Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Sweet Leah!

Hello again! For my birthday I got an amazing camera from my parents so that I can capture all the fun we have with our sweet little Leah! Leah will be turning six months on February 13th! She is such a wonderful baby! She is pretty much sleeping through the night, rolling around like a rolly polly, starting to scoot backwards, and is LOVING all of the new foods mommy and daddy are feeding her, as seen below! Leah loves taking naps on the silky side of our bedspread. She goes right to sleep as soon as I set her on it.
We went out to eat for my birthday and Leah had a wonderful time being able to sit and look at mom and dad while she played with her "Gary the Giraffe". (Technically the giraffe is called Sofie, but we renamed her and gave her a sex change for the heck of it!)
Leah loves her BUMBO! Although, she likes to lean to one side so she can escape out of it. We love our Leah and all the fun we have with her!


  1. Oh my gosh she is growing up so fast! What a cutie!

  2. since when can she get so big! there's supposed to be this rule where babies don't grow up! :) she looks very happy, hope you guys are doing well, miss you

  3. Those pictures are too adorable! What a happy baby she is! I love the one where she is sleeping. Her smooshed face is precious!

  4. So beyond cute! I love it! It is great to hear from you, have you heard anything on the new apartment? Miss you guys.

  5. Oh, I just love all those smiles! She is so darling!
